1.10.0 (2024-12-08)
Bug Fixes
Add test to cover LogAsync method (5132654)
All warnings about unit tests (18cf818)
Fix sonar issues (67d12a1)
Implementation of IEvent interface (1ddf2b7)
Improve logger system (7de7d16)
1.9.2 (2024-12-06)
Bug Fixes
Add some tests to cover FileExtensionHelper class (34349cd)
Add some tests to cover Manifest model (9ccebf4)
1.9.1 (2024-12-06)
Bug Fixes
1.9.0 (2024-12-05)
Bug Fixes
Remove .sonar from cache exclusions in build workflow (32edacd)
Update cache paths for SonarCloud data in build workflow (1b80d05)
1.8.11 (2024-12-05)
Bug Fixes
Execute a clean code on the overall code base (5ae0ef6)
Include StartupTests file to test and cover Startup logic file (ba078f9)
Make private assert functions static (3ed16e0)
Run Code-cleaner on StartupTests file (f0c59c6)
1.8.10 (2024-12-05)
Bug Fixes
Add mutex (multi-thread safe) on all ImageData methods (d68b8f0)
Clean sonar issues on Startup file (f30794b)
Clean sonar issues on this file (3811bfa)
Make UpdateSlashScreenAsync function static (74df2fc)
1.8.9 (2024-12-01)
Bug Fixes
Rename build job to scan-sonarcloud in workflow configuration (22b4da3)
1.8.8 (2024-12-01)
Bug Fixes
Update commit-checker workflow to trigger on specific pull request events (0d69964)
1.8.7 (2024-12-01)
Bug Fixes
Change hyperlink to access to SonarCloud from main readme (7c51bd1)
1.8.6 (2024-11-29)
Bug Fixes
Add SONAR_TOKEN to SonarQube analysis in GitHub Actions workflow (a786685)
1.8.5 (2024-11-29)
Bug Fixes
Update dotnet-coverage command in GitHub Actions workflow for improved test coverage collection (896d18e)
1.8.4 (2024-11-29)
Bug Fixes
Add installation step for .NET coverage tool in GitHub Actions workflow (8e5d6dd)
1.8.3 (2024-11-29)
Bug Fixes
Update GitHub Actions workflow to use SonarCloud and improve coverage reporting (e398f25)
1.8.2 (2024-11-28)
Bug Fixes
Clean up README formatting by adding missing div closure (b112f7d)
1.8.1 (2024-11-28)
Bug Fixes
Update README to replace SonarQube links with SonarCloud and remove development release section (ce46ec5)
1.8.0 (2024-11-28)
Simplify build workflow by removing unnecessary branch triggers and updating SonarQube command (e37e995)
1.7.0 (2024-11-28)
Bug Fixes
Remove dual SAST checker on SonarQube (62e2f28)
Update build workflow to trigger on main and develop branches, and add pull request event types (29c74f5)
Update SonarQube scanner options in build workflow (dcc6e35)
1.6.0 (2024-11-27)
Bug Fixes
Add Main Menu Bar component and module import setting (ea3db93)
1.5.0 (2024-11-27)
Bug Fixes
Add comments inside Index function (5cde3b4)
Add functions & methods explanations inside files (37faa88)
Add functions explanations inside 'ImportService' file (3b4e41d)
Cleanup the code before merge to 'develop' (261262e)
Create Luxoria.App graphical architecture (a21021a)
LuxConfigRepository read Guid from json file (b411639)
Move 'LuxVersion' inside Luxoria.Modules.Models namespace (df154d4)
Optimization of Index function in ImportService (dc51033)
Rename LuxAsset.Config to LuxAsset.MetaData (ba148c9)
Add a toast notification message when CollectionUpdatedEvent (1c20676)
Add base of Luxoria Indexing Process (2751565)
Add handler to retreive updated collection on MainWindow (d29f649)
Add importation cleanup process (a90ad41)
Add Load Image bitmap using SixLabors.ImageSharp lib (92a655f)
Adding LuxCFG creation processus in indexication process (b70b685)
Change mono-thread to multi-threads indexation process (5983b22)
Close modal when importation is completed or has failed (8dd21e7)
Refactor module loading logic in App.xaml.cs to load from directories with logging for missing modules. (5b51c0c)
Upgrade 'LuxImport' solution to .NET 9.0 (53afe91)
1.4.0 (2024-11-21)
Fix documentation about technical stacks (04503c7)
Upgrade .NET version to 9.0 (5e06965)
Upgrade release workflow to use .NET 9.0 (375e61c)
1.3.0 (2024-11-21)
Update issue templates (cb0b650)
1.2.0 (2024-11-21)
1.1.0 (2024-11-19)
Bug Fixes
Exclude Startup.cs and *.xaml (design files) from code coverage analysis (04a3fe4)
Unit test after logger function in initialize (39fb1b3)
Update .gitignore file to Ignore .vscode, .DS_Store, any tmp files (e173f4b)
Update commitlint.config.js to enforce subject case rules (605e53b)
Update and package-lock.json (549f988)
Add base of processing for LuxImport (ac8e80b)
Add code coverage test in build workflow (66792ca)
add GitHub Actions workflow for building and packaging Luxoria.App (f4ab8fb)
Add Luxoria.SDK project (2ac97f6)
add modular-arch (Luxoria.App) into main Luxoria repository (c39fa25)
Add UnitTest base (c5688eb)
Create a second module called TestModule2 (7603f00)
fix GitHub Actions workflow for building and packaging Luxoria.App (819ce3b)
fix GitHub Actions workflow for detecting Q&A / SAST (42f5068)
Fix ModuleServiceTests to include logger service in initialization (fb2a32e)
Install dotnet-coverage globally and configure OpenCover reports (b2a116c)
Refactor project structure and ignore files (eefc7aa)
Update release workflow to only build for x64 platform (143f418)
Update test command in build workflow (a4b3959)
Update test command in build workflow (f2d9170)
1.0.0 (2024-11-19)
Bug Fixes
Update download link in (7d9047e)
Add Auto release system (Semantic Release) (776fa11)
add base of .NET WinUI3 project (0fd0c4a)
add C# .NET WinUI3 base (307bfc5)
add GitHub Actions workflow for building and analyzing the project (fabe2e9)
add gitignore and husky configuration files (f9e0f71)
Add links to download, documentation, and contribute in (b2c587e)
Add Luxoria Documentation (3bf3421)
add publish profiles inside repository (1426a90)
fix ci/cd Build and analyze step (9579291)
fix ci/cd Build and analyze step (198b0c5)
fix ci/cd build part by specifying target build name (05d9c01)
fix download link in (f3cb3af)
fix exclude some files from SonarQube Analyze (d86d1d0)
fix Luxoria and add documentation (a6f5cfd)
fix publisher profile name to "Luxoria Project" (1df3600)
update SonarQube project badges URLs (2d5a6f0)
Last updated